全国服务热线: 86-020-26293755
ABOUT US We specialized in wholesaling and retailing Replica of fashion designer handbags, shoes, boots, garment and purses etc. We not only have our own factory in China but also have strong business relationship with other Chinese handbag producers and material suppliers, which make us capable to provide the best quality products at the lowest price and sufficient stock. We Promise: Good quality products The products we offer here are made of good quality materials. Good Service We deliver the products between one or two weeks, depending of the place. Good prices We offer one of the lowest prices of the market. Check it out! Customer Support Your questions are our priority. Feel free to send us a mail with your inquiries and we will answer in less that 48 hours excluding weekends. Points for gift: Purchasing $1 will earn 1 point and the points can be cumulated. Over 1,000 points can choose an item(below $12) as free gift. Apart from the gift, 1,000 points will earn a 5% discount, while
公司名称: Lao shan zhen 公司类型: ()
所 在 地: 全国 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: ABOUT US We specialized in wholesaling and retailing Replica of fashion designer handbags, shoes, boots, garment and purses etc. We not only have our own factory in China but also have strong business relationship with other Chinese handbag producers an
Lao shan zhen
  • 地址:
  • 电话:86-020-26293755
  • 邮件:goebag2009@gmail.com
  • 联系人:Weijian Li